Digital customers use different touchpoints in different contexts for the same tasks. So designing great customer experience means understanding when people use which channel. And it also means coordinating across them. Or thinking in systems.
We routinely work on multiple customer touch points for the same organizations. So we naturally think in systems. (Or maybe it’s because we think in systems we work across touchpoints?) While helping you improve the user experience on one touchpoint, we will connect those findings to inform other channels, as well.
It’s just how we think.

We work on interactions.
We don’t think that all interactions should (or can) be digital. So we figure out the interaction –what really needs to happen– first. Then we create the interaction on the device or touchpoint where it happens. Sometimes, that means designing more effective person-to-person interactions. Go figure.
- Websites (Desk or mobile)
- Intranets
- Applications
- Voice Interactions (VUI)
- Design patterns
- Social media communities
- Sales interaction strategies
- Customer support resources
- Behavioral change “games”
- Control panels
- Business processes
- Training design and evaluation
- Product comparison/benchmarking scorecards